Rabu, 12 November 2014



Foreign ,
Rounding her own mind
Cussing at situation
Which doesn't give her the space

How can she survive ?
While all continue to suppress
The strongest, is the last
But still, she was a woman

Tears is her weakness
All can be seen
From her eyes fragile
Blue, as blue as the evening sky

At heart she leaned
Holds many secrets
Even she can keep it until death

Don't ever anyone asks
How deep the heart of a woman
In her heart is an ocean
Which could bring anyone sailing
Find a miracle that never unexpected

Heart Attack

At first, I didn't know
How a sense
Which immediately infected the entire body

Like the plague, love always attack
Not familiar white or black
Indeed, many who become insane
Suddenly , the eyes also shine

The voices rumbled in the chest
Pull out all the best word
No more chances
Certainty submitted in the course of the world
Perhaps until there is blood
Just to expect wonders of God

Don't want to be lost trace
So I wrote all here
By imagining your face
Who are far away there

Senin, 10 November 2014



How did this happen ?
I still feel so insane
Introduction that I never imagined
Suddenly continue and I never suppose

But I feel this is different
As I was so expecting
Will this story be real ?

Only from cyberspace we met
Appointment by the wind bites

Sometimes I little scared
You became evil and I hate
Because you destroy the promise
And leave me alone
Far away until the pain stabbing my bone

I always look in the mirror
In those same stories with us
Because once again I was worried
You also become like them

Not that I doubt
I really believe
Even surpassing your belief to me
I just always be careful
Because my heart don't want hurt anymore

Keep always your heart
Because I also do that
And God will keep us
Like we expect together
To be forever and ever